Sunday, November 16, 2008

Observation Week #4

Upon observing my microaquarium, i noticed a drastic increase in the population of organisms, most notably the blue-green algae. These were at the top, middle, and bottom layer of the aquarium. I also found a few Euglena, which are green unicellular protozoa which have a flagella for locomotion. They are also photosynthetic. They have a red eye that helps them to detect so that they may swim towards a light source. The Euglena tend to be more of in the middle of the aquarium. Another interesting observation I mad was that there seemed to be more dead organisms, especially a few at the bottom. There also seemed to be alot of what i guess was bacteria, little dots everywhere. Also my worm-like Spirostomum was nowhere to be found this week, but he could have been hiding under the soil as that is where it likes to be. There were also alot of rod-shaped diatoms.